Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 5: The first Rob movie you saw & overall favorite.

The first film of Rob's that I saw was Twilight which is also my favorite of his!! However, Remember Me is right up there with it! He is an amazing actor!

More details on 33 Days of Rob here!


TwiRK_ said...

First Rob movie was Twilight, but Remember Me is amazing and everytime I watch it I go through a box of Kleenex

Ashley said...

I know! I hate that it took Twilight for me to see Rob and notice him! (That sounds bad) But I missed out on him for a few years :( haha

I love Remember Me! I ball everytime during a few scenes! Especially the end! Never saw it coming! A good movie though!

TwiRK_ said...

I saw a spoiler online. And I was so upset but then I was glad for the heads up. Because even though I knew it was coming it was still hard to watch and was so emotional.
I went with a friend that lived in NYC at the time.We cried so hard it was audible. How embarrassing?! Oh well. I'm an emotional gal what can I say.

Ashley said...

I had heard Rob dies, but I didnt even think September 11th. I thought the movie was taking place in the present until a few mins before I started putting things together! I started crying as soon as I realized how he was going to die! :( Dont worry though, Im a quiet cryer but everyone in our theater you could pretty much hear! Which made me cry harder! It adds to the moment!